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DOI: 10.46698/x1302-5604-8948-x

Existence of Solutions for a Class of Impulsive Burgers Equation

Georgiev, S. G. , Hakem, A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2024. Vol. 26. Issue 2.
We study a class of impulsive Burgers equations. A new topological approach is applied to prove the existence of at least one and at least two nonnegative classical solutions. The arguments are based on recent theoretical results. Here we focus our attention on a class of Burgers equations and we investigate it for the existence of classical solutions. The Burgers equation can be used for modeling both traveling and standing nonlinear plane waves. The simplest model equation can describe the second-order nonlinear effects connected with the propagation of high-amplitude (finite-amplitude waves) plane waves and, in addition, the dissipative effects in real fluids. There are several approximate solutions to the Burgers equation. These solutions are always fixed to areas before and after the shock formation. For an area where the shock wave is forming no approximate solution has yet been found. Therefore, it is therefore necessary to solve the Burgers equation numerically in this area.
Keywords: Burgers equation, impulsive Burgers equation, positive solution, fixed point, cone, sum of operators
Language: English Download the full text  
For citation: Georgiev, S. G. and Hakem, A. Existence of   Solutions for a Class of  Impulsive Burgers  Equation, Vladikavkaz Math. J., 2024, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 26-38. DOI 10.46698/x1302-5604-8948-x
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